Iowa York Rite College #37 was opened in form at 2:00 p.m. by Grand Governor Wade Sheeler in the Scottish Rite Blue Lodge Room in Des Moines with 21 knights present. The first item of business was to vote on Theodore Boombarden's recommendation for membership. After he was accepted, Ted was initiated by Iowa #37. After Knight Boombarden's initiation the following were proposed for membership:
Grand Governor Sheeler recognized the following knights:
The December minutes, which were printed out by Secretary Rick McCampbell, were accepted. There was no finance report. Monte Harris moved to give $200.00 to the Des Moines Scottish Rite for use of the building. It passed. The next meeting will be the first week in June at the Grand Conclave. Newly eledted Governor Monte Harris proposed a budget which was accepted with a few changes. Grand Governor Wade Sheeler gave an educational program on the significance of the white rose. Chancellor General Bryce Hildreth spoke about the knights who would be able to vote at the Sovereign College Meeting. Prior David Dryer read the report of the nominating committee. They were accepted by a vote of acclamation.
The following officers were appointed by Governor Harris:
Installing Officers were:
Submitted by Secretary Rick McCampbell |