Minutes From December 7, 2019

Opened at 1:00 p.m. by Governor Kevin Christians in the Scottish Rite Auditorium in Des Moines with 35 knights present.

Iowa York Rite College #37 initiated 3 new members: Nigel Chapman, Benjamin Scott, and Billy Wilson..

The minutes were handed out by Secretary Rick McCampbell, and a few minor corrections were reported.

Grand Governor Greg Anderson then spoke briefly on several topics.

  • We were one of ___ college who received College of the Year Award from the York Rite Sovereign College General Assembly in Salt Lake City
  • He thanked the ladies for lunch
  • Gave greetings from Governor General Blaine Simons
  • Introduced our General Grand officer, Preceptor General David Dryer
  • Introduced our Order of the Purple Cross knights who received their honor at Salt Lake City, W. Stevens Elliott and Rick N. McCampbell
  • Announced that twenty-one Iowa knights were at the assembly, and their picture was in the Crusader, the YRSCNA publication.
  • Announced that the next General Assembly would be in Kansas City (August 5-9, 2020)
  • Announced that two knights were voted on in Salt Lake City to receive the Order of the Purple Cross: Governor Kevin Christians and Paul Anderson
A motion was made by Secretary Rick McCampbell, seconded by Matt Risberg to make the following donations:
  • $50 each to Rainbow, DeMolay, KT EF. RARA, and CMMRF.
  • $100 to the YRSC Charitable Fund.
  • $150 to the Des Moines Scottish Rite for the use of their facility.
The motion passed.

Governor Christians introduced the Grand Master of the Royal and Select Masters, Shane Harshbarger, who related three upcoming events to be held in the Scottish Rite Temple.

  • The first event will be the Scottish Rite Installation of Officers where YR College Deputy Grand Governor Sheeler will become the Master of Kadosh.
  • The following Wednesday the Des Moines York Rite bodies will have a Christmas party
  • Knight Harshbarger then announced that the Royal and Select Masters will perform the Super Excellent Master degree Februty 29th, and all were invited.
Governor Christians then introduced Grand Commander, W. Charles Smithson, and Grand King, Gene Hatfield. The three York Rite grand officers were given the public grand honors.

A motion was made by Grand Governor Anderson to have the webmaster, Dan Pushee, paid as soon as possible so updates could be made. Seconded by Secretary McCampbell. Motion Passed.

The college was then closed in form by Governor Christians.

Submitted by Secretary Rick McCampbell