Minutes From May 4, 2019

Opened at 1:07 p.m. by Gov. Tom Megel in the Scottish Rite Auditorium in Des Moines with 41 companion-knights present.

Iowa York Rite College #37 initiated 9 new members: Shawn Garrison, James Montgomery Jr., Nathaniel Kemmer, Jason Delzell, Stevan Kemmer, Steven Rinehart, James Mason, George Dieckmann, and Jeffrey Sharp.

The business meeting convened at 2:55 p.m.

Secretary Rick McCampbell read the minutes.

Gene Hatfield spoke about upcoming Commandery events which he hoped we would attend:
     May 10 Cornerstone in Cedar Rapids at Cottage Grove Place
     May 31 Cornerstone in Oslakoosa at Mahaska County Conservation
     May 21 Freedom flight be at the DSM airport at 6:00 for 6:45 takeoff
     May 21 Freedom flight again at 7:00 for 7:45 takeoff

The details for the cornerstones can be found on the Grand Lodge website under Calendars.

Wade Sheeler spoke about two upcoming events:
   May 18 Chapter and Council Degrees in Iowa City
   May 19 Celebration of Life for Jay Coles Simser in Ames

Names of members who would be dropped for non-payment of dues was read. Secretary Rick McCampbell moved to drop those members who had not paid by May 31. Second by Dennis Boehmer. Passed.

Kevin Smith asked about a specific date which members would be dropped. Tom Megel read the current procedure, which stated that members would be dropped after being deficient for one year. Further discussion of by-laws will be coming.

Charlie Smithson expressed his irritation that our website had been taken down. Secretary McCampbell reported that he had received an email from Dan Pushee stating that our website would be taken off if it was not updated. He added that he had sent information about the current officers in reply, but that it was taken down anyway. He further added that he would have new information to send after the installation of officers, which he would submit. Smithson also recommend that we look into finding our own webmaster.

Governor Tom Megel gave the treasurer's report submitted by Randal Crouch, who could not attend. He stated that the current balance was $8,060, but that we would have nearly $4,000 to send for per capita by June 31st.

Deputy Grand Governor Wade Sheeler moved that we give $50.00 to Rainbow and $50.00 to DeMolay. It passed.

Secretary McCampbell moved that we give $100.00 to the York Rite Sovereign College Charitable Fund. Seconded by Deputy Governor Christians. Passed.

Secretary McCampbell read a slate of officers that had been nominated. Governor Kevin Christians, Deputy Governor Gene Hatfield, Chancellor Matthew Risberg, Treasurer Randal Crouch, and Secretary Rick McCampbell. After two nominations by Charlie Smithson, who both declined, the slate of elected officers was approved.

A committee was formed by Governor Megel to facilitate the upcoming annual report. It consisted of GGov Andersen, DGGov Sheeler, Gov Megel, Nominated Gov Christians, and Nominated Dep Gov Hatfield.

Gov Megel introduced Grand High Priest of the Royal Arch Masons of Iowa, Wade Sheeler, Grand Master of the Royal and Select Masters, Charlie Smithson, and Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Iowa, Forest Peck. They were given the grand honors.

Grand Governor Andersen then congratulated the new members and spoke about the honors Iowa #37 had received.

GG Andersen gave greetings from Governor General Simons, and spoke about the honor of having two regents from Iowa, David Dryer and Bryce Hildreth, and about the special honor of having Preceptor General Dryer in the line to become Governor General

GG Andersen then introduced the two Iowa #37 companion-knights who would be receiving the Purple Cross Award in Salt Lake City this year, Rick N. McCampbell and W. Stevens Elliot.

Ken Brickman moved that a printed copy of the by-laws be available at the secretary's desk at every meeting. Seconded by Secretary McCampbell. Passed.

Officers were then installed after the meeting was closed..

      Governor Kevin T. Christians
      Deputy Governor Gene R. Hatfield
      Chancellor Matthew A. Risberg
      Treasurer Randall E. Crouch
      Secretary Rick N. McCampbell
      Primate Brian M. Truex
      Preceptor Darrell G. Fremont
      Seneschal Richard L. Bowersox
      Marshal Frederick L. Erickson
      Sentinel Bryan L. Ahrens

Submitted by Secretary Rick McCampbell

Initiation of 12 new members in Cedar Rapids August 27, 2019
Justin BeehJeffery BennettWyatt BettisDavid Black
Tom BowersoxJamie JohnsonThomas KurtzKevin Maloney
Kenneth ManleyMichael MosleyDale RobergeRaymond Stockwell