The Meeting was opened by Governor Kevin Smith at 2:00 Five new members were initiated: Bryan J. Tingle, Douglas R. Clabaugh, Garfield Berndt III, Monte Harris, and Tyler T. Fisher. The minutes of the December 2nd meeting were read by secretary Rick McCampbell, and were approved. A motion was made by Matt Risberg to give $25.00 to Grand Chapter and Grand Council to defray costs of having our short meeting Thursday, August 9th before the grand sessions. It was seconded and approved. A motion was made by Wade Sheeler to give $50.00 to each of the three charities of the state York Rite Bodies and $100.00 to the York Rite Sovereign College of North America's charity. During the discussion Regent Bryce Hildreth asked for a quick treasurer's report. Governor Smith allowed the interruption, and Randall Crouch gave the treasurer's report. Regent Hildreth then moved to amend the motion to change the amount from $100 to $250.00, and to earmark it to be given to the Norris Cotton Cancer Center. The amendment was seconded and passed. The final motion included $50.00 each to the three Iowa York Rite charities and $250.00 to the Norris Cotton Cancer Center. The motion passed. Our special guest, Most Preeminent Distinguished Brother James W. Patton, Governor General of the York Rite Sovereign College of North America, thanked our college for the gift. Grand Governor Gregory Andersen moved to give the Des Moines Scottish Rite Consistory $100.00 for the use of the facility. The motion was seconded and passed. Treasurer Randall Crouch reported that Iowa York Rite College $37 had a certificate of deposit in the USBank which he had attempted to cash and move into the checking account. Being turned down, and not knowing which treasurer had invested in the certificate of deposit, treasurer Crouch moved to have it put into the minutes that he was treasurer and had the authority of York Rite College #37 to move the money from the certificate of deposit to the checking account. The motion was seconded and passed. Therefore, Governor Smith, Secretary Rick McCampbell, and the other 47 members present declare that Randall Crouch has signatory power over the certificate of deposit invested by Iowa York Rite College #37. Governor Smith then read the report of the nominating committee. The recommendation of the committee was accepted, and the following left column was elected ant the right column appointed:
Governor-elect Megel then spoke about his One Step at a Time program. Grand Governor Andersen then addressed the new Companion/Knights.
Governor Smith then invited Governor General Patton to speak. Governor General Patton invited the companion/knights in attendance to the 2018 General Assembly meeting in Oak Brook, Illinois August 1st to 4th. He also pointed out that the organization was the Sovereign College of North America, not the United States, and we should have a Canadian Flag displayed. We should also give the Universal Pledge. Governor Smith declared the meeting closed at 4:40, and the new officers were installed shortly thereafter. Submitted by secretary, Rick N. McCampbell